School Failure as Insufficient Reading and Math Competence
The findings of this study tie school failure to a lack of competence in reading and math, even after many years of schooling. The author analyzes the results of the “International Adult Literacy Survey” which investigated the reading and math competence of adults. Two questions are raised: 1. How widespread is the problem of insufficient reading and math skills in Switzerland? and, 2. Are those pupils who do not go any further than secondary school level 1 (9th grade) at risk? Approximately 14% of the native population show insufficient skills for to- day’s society in at least three of the examined fields. Though the figure is lower for younger people, approximately 6% of them still show a lack of competence in at least one of the areas. For the general segment of the population which completed no more than level 1 of secondary school, at least 39% show a lack of skills in at least one area. This is the group that should be considered at risk.
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