A hidden bracket in the Swiss vocational education Policy

  • Urs Kiener


In this article Swiss policy concerning vocational education will be analysed by means of a case study. The case study used was that of the transfer of the responsibility for medical careers from the medical association to the federal level. Here the new federal law concerning vocational education was also considered. From a discourse theoretical perspective it is shown that the case study deals with the concrete displacement from one competence area to another. It further deals with the planning of a certain vocational training model. At the same time policy making turns around and confirms vocational training to be a specific social negotiated reality, to confine it and create its own identity.

How to Cite
Kiener, U. (2004) “A hidden bracket in the Swiss vocational education Policy”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 26(1), pp. 85–100. doi: 10.24452/sjer.26.1.4672.
Thematic contribution