Social working conditions of Swiss teachers − Findings of a national study

  • Sophie Baeriswyl
  • Doris Kunz Heim
  • Andreas Krause
Keywords: Demands, resources


Based on a national survey, the present article considers social working conditions of Swiss teachers and estimates the effects of demography (sex, work experience, language region) and school size on the evaluation of social demands and resources. Results indicate that Swiss teachers evaluate their social working environment predominantly positive compared to a sample of German teachers. There were significant differences with respect to language regions. The findings are discussed in reference to training and development of Swiss teachers.

How to Cite
Baeriswyl, S., Kunz Heim, D. and Krause, A. (2018) “Social working conditions of Swiss teachers − Findings of a national study”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 39(1), pp. 95–112. doi: 10.24452/sjer.39.1.5001.