Obstacles and resources of educational upward transition – A qualitative study with young adults from families with low socioeconomic background and/or migration background

Keywords: educational success; family; school; resources; barriers; intersectionality


Young people from socially biased and / or immigrant families are confronted with unequal educational opportunities on the way to the tertiary education segment. The present study analyzes barriers that can arise from educational disadvantage and resources that can be conducive to educational success. The study is based on the structured qualitative content analysis of interviews with adults with disadvantaged backgrounds. In summary, the results show that good relationships and social support from parents, teachers and classmates are important resources that greatly enhance the opportunity for educational success of both native and migrant youth.

How to Cite
Neuenschwander, M., Hänni, S., Makarova, E. and Kaqinari, T. (2022) “Obstacles and resources of educational upward transition – A qualitative study with young adults from families with low socioeconomic background and/or migration background”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 44(2), pp. 209–222. doi: 10.24452/sjer.44.2.4.