Training PE teachers or promoting sport sciences? The ‘initial’ training of physical education teachers in Switzerland between federalism, universitarisation and sportivisation (1972-1995)

Keywords: Sport sciences; university; Switzerland; federal state; physical education


With this contribution, our ambition is to produce an analysis of the structuration process of initial training for physical education teachers in the decades preceding the establishment of the universities of teacher education, between the first dynamics of the sport sciences’ universitarisation and an accelerating sportivisation, in a singular political framework, with a school branch - physical education - whose governance is partly federal, in a country where schools are cantonal. The timeframe of our investigation starts in 1972 with the implementation of the first federal law supporting gymnastics and sport and extends to the beginning of the 2000s, around the entry into force of the federal law on universities of applied sciences.

Author Biography

Grégory Quin, Université de Lausanne

Grégory Quin est maître d’enseignement et de recherche à l’Université de Lausanne. Historien, il travaille notamment sur les dynamiques de l’institutionnalisation des sports en Suisse depuis le 19ème siècle, en particulier sur le rôle des élites dans ces processus. Il a publié de nombreux articles et ouvrages sur ces objets.
Université de Lausanne, Institut des Sciences du Sport, Bâtiment Synathlon, CH-1015 Lausanne
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How to Cite
Quin, G. (2023) “Training PE teachers or promoting sport sciences? The ‘initial’ training of physical education teachers in Switzerland between federalism, universitarisation and sportivisation (1972-1995)”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), pp. 101–111. doi: 10.24452/sjer.45.2.2.