Women and continuing professional education in a historic perspective. The case of Geneva, 1180-1914

  • Michèle E. Schärer


The subject of this article is professional and household management courses for woman, offered by three institutions between 1880 and 1914, that were researched within the frame of a project concerning the history of adult education in Geneva. Those institutions are: l’Association des Commis de Genève (courses in the fields of commerce and language); l’Académie professionnelle de la Ville de Genève (courses in the fields of household management and textiles); l’Union des Femmes de Genève (courses in the fields of commerce and languages as well as the fields of household management and textiles). Initially, the three institutions are briefly introduced: curriculum, students, teaching staff, organization and financing. Then, a few general tendencies are disclosed and analyzed in light of the educational, political and socio-economical conditions of the period, as well as with the professional and social status of women.

How to Cite
Schärer, M. E. (2000) “Women and continuing professional education in a historic perspective. The case of Geneva, 1180-1914”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 22(2), pp. 311–330. doi: 10.24452/sjer.22.2.4570.
Thematic contribution