The vocational training of women in France

  • Nicole Mosconi


Women today are more likely than men to emerge from the school system with a general education. However, the segmentation of the labour market between valorised jobs for men an devalued jobs for women is reflected, as far as the system of initial education is concerned, in a significant segregation between boys and girls within different subjects and courses (literary and tertiary for girls, scientific and industrial technology for boys). The growth of feminine education is inclined to introduce a vertical division in the girls- group between those who have a level of education equal to or superior to GCSE «A» Level* and those who have a lower level. The way in which the differences between the sexes are organised in professional training and insertion reflects the social relations between the sexes, which are structured like a system of division and domination between two sexes.

How to Cite
Mosconi, N. (2000) “The vocational training of women in France”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 22(2), pp. 343–355. doi: 10.24452/sjer.22.2.4571.
Thematic contribution