Special channels in music education, to ensure quality and encourage «talents»?


  • Catherine Grivet Bonzon
  • Isabelle Mili
  • Jérôme Schumacher




The constitutional article 67A, adopted by the people on September 23, 2012, lays out that: «Within the limits of their respective competences, the Confederation and the cantons commit themselves promoting at the school a musical teaching of quality». The object of this article is to analyze starting from two cases of Musical academies:
– The speech on quality in itself,
– The nature of the devices planned for the formation of a minority of pupils «with high potential».
It is starting from the observation of the regulations (Sensevy & Mercier, 2007) and multiple interactions resulting from the various courses suggested in these courses reinforced that the study will analyze the processes leading to a specific musical performativity, even with a particular quality of teaching.


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How to Cite

Grivet Bonzon, C., Mili, I. and Schumacher, J. (2018) “Special channels in music education, to ensure quality and encourage «talents»?”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 38(3), pp. 495–512. doi:10.24452/sjer.38.3.4990.