Future educational expectations of pupils with and without special educational needs: Comparative analysis including individual and contextual variables

Keywords: Pupils’ educational expectations; Pupils with special educational needs; perceived teacher support; self-efficacy; mathematical self-concept


This article analyses the differences between pupils with and without specific educational needs (SEN) regarding their future educational expectations by including in the analysis some individual variables (self-efficacy, self-concept in mathematics), contextual variables (perceived teacher support) and control variables (competence achievement, socio-demographic variables). The analyses reported significant differences in future expectations and in all the examined variables (except for self-concept) between pupils with and without SEN. Significant differences were, also, found concerning the influence of contextual and individual factors on pupils' future expectations. Those of pupils with BES are mostly influenced by the perceived teacher support, while self-efficacy influences the future expectations of pupils without SEN the most. 

How to Cite
Ambrosetti, A., Fenaroli, S. and Benini, S. (2022) “Future educational expectations of pupils with and without special educational needs: Comparative analysis including individual and contextual variables”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 44(2), pp. 195–208. doi: 10.24452/sjer.44.2.3.