I discover and I do. They show me and I do. How to make priority education students succeed?


  • Céline Guilmois Université des Antilles
  • Céline Clément Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Education et de la Communication (LISEC)
  • Bertrand Troadec Centre de Recherches et de Ressources en Education et Formation (CRREF)
  • Maria Popa-Roch Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Education et de la Communication (LISEC)




Teaching method; priority education; explicit teaching; socioconstructivist teaching; teaching more explicitly


Recent evaluations of the French education system point to its difficulty in making students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds achieve at school. The aim of this paper is to describe the principles underlying socioconstructivist and explicit teaching in order to understand to what extent their application in the classroom allows priority education students’ school achievement. Mirroring these two types of teaching involves comparing the principles of explicit teaching (Northern American approach) and the so-called «teaching more explicitly» orientation (French approach). This comparison is necessary to help REP and REP+ teachers to understand and to integrate the professional actions expected to increase students’ academic achievement. The practical purpose of this article is to support teachers in choosing their pedagogical strategies according to the needs of their students.


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How to Cite

Guilmois, C. (2020) “I discover and I do. They show me and I do. How to make priority education students succeed?”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 42(3), pp. 678–692. doi:10.24452/sjer.42.3.12.