Language exchanges to build learning. Under what conditions ?

  • Elise Vinel Université Paris 8
  • Elisabeth Bautier
Keywords: Exchange; student; teacher; interaction; metalanguage; verbalization


Within classes, processes of building knowledge are becoming the norm and are gradually replacing transmissive and frontal pedagogies. Consequently, student-student and teacher-student exchanges are very present in classes, but they are often ambiguous and do not allow all students to think and conceptualize. We thus question the nature of the discourse produced within classes, from the point of view of the learning conditions and possibilities they bring, given the exchange situations implemented by teachers. Our analyses draw on an ongoing research on the teaching of spelling and grammar, and the data collected on this occasion.

How to Cite
Vinel, E. and Bautier, E. (2020) “Language exchanges to build learning. Under what conditions ?”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 42(3), pp. 557–568. doi: 10.24452/sjer.42.3.3.