Health-related professional competence of physical education teachers: Narrative review and heuristic model




Physical education; health; professional knowledge; teacher competence; conceptual framework


Physical education (PE) is one setting in which pupils may acquire knowledge and skills to lead physically active lives. PE teachers play a key role in fostering respective health-related competences in pupils. For this, they themselves need appropriate professional competences. The purpose of this article is to highlight research trends on, and to propose a heuristic model for PE teachers’ health-related professional competence. Research trends and gaps are identified by a narrative literature review. The heuristic model describes several knowledge domains, beliefs, motivational orientations, and self-regulation as subdimensions of health-related professional competence. It is intended to provide an overview of important competence aspects and to serve as an orientation for further work.


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Author Biographies

  • Julia Lohmann, Universität Augsburg

    Julia Lohmann, Dr., is a research associate in Sport Pedagogy at the Institute of Sport Science, University of Augsburg. Her research areas are professional competence of educators in the context of physical education with a focus on health and sustainability topics.
    Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstraße 3, D-86159 Augsburg

  • Julia Hapke, Universität Koblenz

    Julia Hapke, Dr., is a professor for Sport Pedagogy and Health Education at the Institute of Sport Science, University of Koblenz. Her research areas are PE teachers’ professional competences, (digitisation-sensitive) health education and cognitive activation in PE.
    Universität Koblenz, Universitätsstraße 1, D-56070 Koblenz

  • Clemens Töpfer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    Clemens Töpfer is an academic counselor at the Institute of Sport Science, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. His research areas are health education and competence-based teaching didactics in physical education focusing on health and physical literacy.
    Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Seidelstraße 20, D-07749 Jena




How to Cite

Lohmann, J., Hapke, J. and Töpfer, C. (2023) “Health-related professional competence of physical education teachers: Narrative review and heuristic model”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), pp. 164–177. doi:10.24452/sjer.45.2.7.