The activity of Physical Education Trainee Teachers across emotionally significant situations experienced on school placement




Dual education, trainee teacher, Physical Education, emotions


This study aims to understand the development of PE trainee teachers based on emotionally significant situations. The first part aims to draw a topography of emotionally significant situations from 139 PE trainee teachers. The second part, clinical, with five trainee teachers, aims to understand how emotionally significant situations hinder or enhance their activity’s development. The results show that PE trainee teachers experience emotionally significant situations which promote a development through the control of new operations. These results open up possibilities for current dual education systems, particularly by taking into account the subjective dimension of the profession.


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Author Biography

  • Magali Descoeudres, HEP Vaud

    Magali Descoeudres, enseignante d’EPS et d’allemand à l’école secondaire pendant 17 ans et adjointe de direction, a obtenu son doctorat portant sur le développement de l’activité des enseignant·e·s novices d’éducation physique à travers la dimension émotionnelle. Professeure associée à la Haute École Pédagogique du canton de Vaud depuis 2013, elle développe essentiellement des recherches relatives aux enseignant·e·s en formation et novices en EPS et au développement professionnel.
    HEP Vaud, Avenue de Cour 33, CH-1014 Lausanne
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How to Cite

Descoeudres, M. (2023) “The activity of Physical Education Trainee Teachers across emotionally significant situations experienced on school placement”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), pp. 190–201. doi:10.24452/sjer.45.2.9.