Pre-service teachers' conceptions of authority: a combination of internal and external dimensions of the teacher-student relationship

  • Vanessa Joinel Alvarez HEP Vaud
Keywords: Exercise of authority; conceptions; school pre-service teachers; professional expertise; use of power; contextual factors


This article compares the concept of authority in 66 secondary school pre-service teachers (PST) with a model of authority derived from a meta-analysis. For the PST, authority cannot be established on the sole basis of status or personal qualities but is founded primarily on professional expertise (didactic expertise, expertise in the management of a learning environment, relational expertise). Our results also reveal that SPT lack resources when it comes to intervening in the face of transgressions, and that they predominantly propose punitive interventions based on the use of power. Finally, we document three contextual factors that influence authority in the classroom: group characteristics, student characteristics and family environment.

Author Biography

Vanessa Joinel Alvarez, HEP Vaud

Vanessa Joinel Alvarez est docteure en sciences de l’éducation et Professeure associée à la Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, au sein de l’Unité d’Enseignement et de Recherche « Acteurs, Gestions, Identités, Relations, Systèmes (AGIRS) ». Elle enseigne la gestion de classe en formation initiale et continue. Ses recherches portent principalement sur l’activité des enseignant·e·s en situation d’exercice de l’autorité. En particulier, elle cherche à appréhender dans quelle mesure les enseignant·e·s prennent en compte les groupes d’élèves et leurs connaissances sur les groupes pour exercer leur autorité.

HEP Vaud, Avenue de Cour 33, CH-1014 Lausanne

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How to Cite
Joinel Alvarez, V. (2024) “Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of authority: a combination of internal and external dimensions of the teacher-student relationship”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 46(2), pp. 94–106. doi: 10.24452/sjer.46.2.1.