“Maturity profiles” as differential learning contexts : An empirical analysis of the relation between institutional frameworks and competency development in male and female students attending Gymnasium (upper secondary school).


  • Katharina Maag Merki




Cross-curricular competencies, development, upper secondary school, High school, learning contexts efficiency, gender.


“Maturity profiles” are different upper secondary school tracks diplomas. This paper investigates to what extent the development of cross-curricular competencies in upper secondary education depends on the students gender and on their learning context related to each maturity profile. The results presented are based on a 2×2 analysis of variance. The results show that maturity profiles, as institutionalisation of secondary schooling, show a significant correlation with the development of students’ cross-curricular competencies in students. Interaction effects can be identified on specific competency dimensions ; in most cases they indicate stronger differences of competency between young males of different maturity profiles than between young females.


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How to Cite

Maag Merki, K. (2007) “‘Maturity profiles’ as differential learning contexts : An empirical analysis of the relation between institutional frameworks and competency development in male and female students attending Gymnasium (upper secondary school)”., Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 29(2), pp. 181–208. doi:10.24452/sjer.29.2.4769.