The Development of Professional Training for Secondary Teachers in French-speaking Switzerland

  • Valérie Lussi Borer
Keywords: Professional training of the secondary teachers, history, teachers college, university, secondary teaching


This article describes the history of professional training for secondary teachers in the 20th century in French-speaking Switzerland. When does the idea of institutionalizing the training emerge? Which institutional models are were selected? Which debates accompany their implementation? With these questions, this article details the issues regarding the creation of professional training for secondary teachers at French-speaking universities from the end of 19th century. It examines the breakdown of the 1940s and the choice of placing this training in the hands of the school administration and in those of the secondary teaching profession. It concludes with the new training models, favored since 2000, at Universities of Teacher Education (HEP) and Universities in French-speaking Switzerland.

How to Cite
Lussi Borer, V. (2009) “The Development of Professional Training for Secondary Teachers in French-speaking Switzerland”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 31(3), pp. 477–496. doi: 10.24452/sjer.31.3.4815.