Teaching Environmental Awareness without Knowledge on Society: The Case of Quebec Primary School Textbooks in Science and Technology


  • Johanne Lebrun
  • Abdelkrim Hasni




Environmental education, sciences and technologies, teaching, text- books, history and geography knowledges, primary education


This text presents an analysis of 69 teaching/learning situations in Science and Technology that integrate the broad area of learning Consumer Habits. The examined teaching/learning situations are drawn from Quebec primary school textbooks. The analysis seeks to identify the socio-spatial dynamics taken into account when addressing environmental problems. The results show that despite the presented connection between the broad area of learning Consumer Habits and teaching/learning situations in Science and Technology, these situations remain essentially disciplinary and call upon very little knowledge relative to sociospatial dynamics. Territorial, political, and economic dimensions are therefore largely evacuated from environmental reflections.


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How to Cite

Lebrun, J. and Hasni, A. (2010) “Teaching Environmental Awareness without Knowledge on Society: The Case of Quebec Primary School Textbooks in Science and Technology”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 32(2), pp. 275–292. doi:10.24452/sjer.32.2.4836.