Analyzing, modeling and rethinking natural science instruction

  • Peter Labudde
Keywords: Sciences, competencies, standards, secondary education, development of teaching instruction


In a first part, the status of science education in Switzerland is examined on the basis of empirical studies. Motivation, students performance and gender differences are discussed under general education conditions as well as teachers point of view and improved teaching methods. A second part is dedicated to the competencies model and standards as they are presented in the important educational project „Harmonisation of the obligatory education“ (HarmoS). The development and the validation of the model, the formulation of basis standards and a critical evaluation of the model belong to this part. From the two first parts of the article development perspectives are designed in the third: education monitoring, task and evaluation culture, science promotion, development of teaching instruction, teachers education and didactic research.

How to Cite
Labudde, P. (2010) “Analyzing, modeling and rethinking natural science instruction”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 32(3), pp. 371–392. doi: 10.24452/sjer.32.3.4840.