Which literacy practices for Deaf Children?

  • Edyta Tominska
Keywords: Literacy practices, deaf children, bilingual education, interactive reading, literacy knowledge construction


This article describes some literacy practices introduced in a bilingual classroom for deaf children. We will complete the rooted concepts of bilingual programs in the education of these children with concepts from the field of emergent literacy studies in the general population, and among others, from the field of a didactic microgenesis. An Interactive Reading session will serve as an illustration of the components of the literacy knowledge that emerge in the classroom discourse. In this complex didactic situation, we apprehend these components enabled with/in the interaction, as well as reciprocal adjustments made by teachers and pupils to negotiate their understanding of the story. We will also examine the supports they use, and the role the two languages play in this interaction.

How to Cite
Tominska, E. (2018) “Which literacy practices for Deaf Children?”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 33(1), pp. 89–108. doi: 10.24452/sjer.33.1.4851.
Thematic contribution