Creativity, an object of teacher training? A survey within a High School of Education


  • Amalia Terzidis



Creativity, comparative didactics, training systems, professional development, teacher training


This article presents the results of a survey conducted within a French-speaking HEP aimed to identify and understand how the concept of creativity was used within teacher training. It aims to provide food for thought on how this concept is perceived on the one hand, and on the training methods used in connection with it on the other. On the basis of these comprehensive elements, this article proposes to be a starting point for considerations related to the design of training systems for the development of teachers’ creativity.
It will thus be possible to notice a certain convergence both in the conceptions of creativity and in the didactic modalities that trainers set up to mobilize it, even though this is done in an unconscious way. It would be a question, precisely, of defining creativity as an object of training in its own right, namely, in a theorized and didactic way in teacher training.



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How to Cite

Terzidis, A. (2019) “Creativity, an object of teacher training? A survey within a High School of Education”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 41(2), pp. 503–523. doi:10.24452/sjer.41.2.14.