The economic function of time in discourses on educational research

  • Edgar Forster
  • Madeleine Scherrer
Keywords: Time, commodification, historical epistemology, science studies, human capital theory, homo oeconomicus


This paper provides an exploration of the notion of time in discourses on educational research from a historical-epistemological perspective. The analysis of the status of ‘time’ as an epistemological object suggests a convergence between the application of time in educational theory and the current economic transformation of society. On the basis of Gary Becker’s approach of human capital, we analyze discourses on early childhood education and ‘time windows’ as well as research programs in education.

How to Cite
Forster, E. and Scherrer, M. (2019) “The economic function of time in discourses on educational research”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 40(3), pp. 571–586. doi: 10.24452/sjer.40.3.5117.