The school and the truth

  • Raffaele Beretta Piccoli SUPSI
Keywords: Citizenship education; school; truth; neutrality; assessment


This article’s thesis affirms the essentialness of the principle of truth for the educational institution, in the Aristotelian sense of building links between learners and reality. Cognitive links that are the basis, on the one hand, of respect for the constraint to the neutrality of teaching and, on the other hand, education for democratic citizenship. Finally, evaluative links which, in their substance, represent an orientation to the growth of students and in their form accompany the latter in constantly questioning themselves. Developing these reflections, this article moves continuously between theory and practice, also offering two sections with ideas for formulating assessments and for managing incorrect behavior.

How to Cite
Beretta Piccoli, R. (2023) “The school and the truth”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 45(1), pp. 53–63. doi: 10.24452/sjer.45.1.5.