Pre-service training in secondary education and in-service training leading to a diploma in primary education in physical education in Geneva: What teaching tradition(s)?




teacher education, physical education, teaching traditions, didactics


This paper aims to describe and analyze the development of two physical education teacher training programs at the University of Geneva, regarding the teaching traditions that have shaped them: (a) FORENSEC (secondary education); (b) DAS MDAS (primary education). Its methodology follows the usual steps of document analysis. The analysis of these programs’ main reference documents shows that they are mainly anchored in a teaching tradition of physical education as physical culture education. This anchoring is the result of both a conscious choice of the teaching staff and structural factors that are favorable to it, or even determine it.


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Author Biography

  • Benoît Lenzen, Université de Genève

    Benoît Lenzen est professeur associé à la Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation et à l’Institut universitaire de formation des enseignants de l’Université de Genève (Suisse). Il y dirige l’équipe de Didactique et épistémologie de l’éducation physique (DEEP.Ge) ainsi que plusieurs programmes de formation d’enseignant·e·s. Ses travaux actuels portent principalement sur les traditions d’enseignement et les compétences psychosociales en éducation physique.
    Université de Genève, Pavillon Mail, Boulevard du Pont-d’Arve 40, CH-1211 Genève 4
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How to Cite

Lenzen, B. (2023) “Pre-service training in secondary education and in-service training leading to a diploma in primary education in physical education in Geneva: What teaching tradition(s)?”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), pp. 112–123. doi:10.24452/sjer.45.2.3.