What future teachers should learn in education/pedagogy. Analysis of educational curricula in Swiss Universities of Teacher Education


  • Samuel Krattenmacher
  • Christian Brühwiler
  • Fritz Oser
  • Horst Biedermann




Curricular analysis, teacher training, educational science, pedagogy, teaching methods, didactics, core curriculum, educational standards


There is little systematic knowledge about curricular contents, which should be conveyed to prospective teachers. Within the scope of the teacher education study TEDS-M, an analysis of curricula in educational science was conducted for all degree programs (grades 1 to 9) in German speaking areas of Switzerland. There are hardly any differences between the curricula for primary and scondary teacher training programs concerning its scope and content. However, the curricula vary greatly between the Universities of Teacher Education. Nevertheless, a common core of contents is found, which could be used as a base for developing a Swiss core curriculum or educational standards. Problems occur with regards to the ambiguous distinction between educational and methodological contents.


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How to Cite

Krattenmacher, S. (2010) “What future teachers should learn in education/pedagogy. Analysis of educational curricula in Swiss Universities of Teacher Education”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 32(1), pp. 59–86. doi:10.24452/sjer.32.1.4826.