Wissenstransfer im Kontext der Schweizer Curriculumdiskussionen der 1970er-Jahre


  • Lukas Höhener
  • Lucien Criblez




Curriculum, curriculum studies, school reform, scientification, educational administration, teacher-training


This contribution analyses three central transfer mechanisms in the context of the discussion on the curriculums that took place in Switzerland during the 1970s, using the example of the Freiburger Arbeitsgruppe für Lehrplanforschung (FAL): the transfer of American research results into Swiss contexts of curriculum reform, the transfer of scientific knowledge through the change of sides of the scientists from the university to jobs in the field of school education and into education politics, as well as the knowledge transfer through political consulting. Strategies and motives of the actors involved will be highlighted and processes of reform analyzed. This will demonstrate, that the FAL had a substantial part in the scientification of the development of curriculums in Switzerland in the 1970s.


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How to Cite

Höhener, L. and Criblez, L. (2018) “Wissenstransfer im Kontext der Schweizer Curriculumdiskussionen der 1970er-Jahre”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 40(1), pp. 87–110. doi:10.24452/sjer.40.1.5054.