Award and implementation of the measure “compensation for disadvantages” at lower secondary level of the Swiss compulsory school


  • Caroline Sahli Lozano
  • Kathrin Brandenberg
  • Anne Sophie Ganz



Inclusive education; integrative school measures; compensation for disadvantages; school management


In the course of school integration efforts, various integrative school measures were introduced in Switzerland. These measures are intended to ensure the best possible school and social development for children and adolescents with special educational needs. So far, hardly any research on this topic has been carried out in Switzerland. This article provides the first key data on the integrative measure “compensation for disadvantages“ at lower secondary level. Based on a survey of school managers in the Canton of Berne, the target group of this measure as well as its allocation and implementation, were were critically discussed against the background of the Swiss legal basis, theoretical considerations and the latest research results.


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How to Cite

Sahli Lozano, C., Brandenberg, K. and Ganz, A.S. (2020) “Award and implementation of the measure ‘compensation for disadvantages’ at lower secondary level of the Swiss compulsory school”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 42(3), pp. 693–706. doi:10.24452/sjer.42.3.13.