Didactic issues of code transitions: Characteristics, dynamics and differential effects





codic transitions; didactics; communication; comparatist approach; anthropological approach


This article presents the study of a specific point in the communicational dimension of didactic interaction: codic transitions, point where interactants slide from one communication channel to another. Our work, part of descriptive and comprehensive research, is anchored in an anthropological and comparative approach in didactics. It articulates three temporal and analytical scales to trace the joint dynamics of these codic transitions in their relationship with the transmission / diffusion of knowledge. Our results reveal that the codic transitions are described around several characteristics whose production has a different impact on the didactic process and reveal how they constitute a tool of analysis.


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Author Biographies

  • Fabienne Brière-Guenoun, ADEF (UR 4671), Aix Marseille Université

    Fabienne Brière-Guenoun is a lecturer, authorized to direct research in educational science, at the University of Aix-Marseille, specialist in ergonomic and didactic frameworks.


  • Marie-Paule Poggi, CRREF (EA 4538), Université des Antilles, INSPE de Guadeloupe

    Marie-Paule Poggi est maitre de conférence, habilitée a diriger les recherches en sciences de l'éducation à l'unversité des antilles. elle est spécialisée dans les approches sociodidactique.




How to Cite

Marrot, G.G., Brière-Guenoun, F. and Poggi, M.-P. (2022) “Didactic issues of code transitions: Characteristics, dynamics and differential effects”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 44(1), pp. 141–157. doi:10.24452/sjer.44.1.11.