"E sin rumantsch?" On dealing with multilingualism, the promotion of Romansh and the dominance of German in multilingual school classes in the canton of Grisons





multilingualism; minority language; two-way-immersion; elementary school; Romansh


The article focuses on how multilingualism is dealt with in two-way-immersive German-Romansh school classes in the canton of Grisons. It asks what linguistic resources teachers bring into the classroom, what linguistic demands they make on the pupils, and what position Romansh takes in relation to German. The study was carried out from an ethnographic research perspective, with participant observation of lessons in three intermediate school classes in spring 2019. Overall, a heterogeneous picture emerged of language practices on the part of the teachers and with regard to the linguistic demands on the pupils, but also a pronounced dominance of German in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

  • Dominique Caglia, Universität Fribourg

    Doktorandin im Bereich Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache an der Universität Fribourg. Studierte Pädagogik/Psychologie und Rätoromanisch und forscht an der PH Graubünden im Ressort Mehrsprachigkeit.

  • Alex Knoll, Universität Fribourg

    Oberassistent am Departement Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften der Universität Fribourg. Aktuelle Schwerpunkte: Sprache und Bildung, frühe Kindheit und Kindheitsforschung, Bildungssoziologie.




How to Cite

Caglia, D. and Knoll, A. (2022) “‘E sin rumantsch?’ On dealing with multilingualism, the promotion of Romansh and the dominance of German in multilingual school classes in the canton of Grisons”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 44(1), pp. 116–128. doi:10.24452/sjer.44.1.9.