Professionalism of political education and educations à

  • Béatrice Ziegler ehem. PH FHNW
Keywords: Civic/Citzenship Education, competencies, concepts, normativity, controversy


The paper shows how civic/citizenship education defines the abilities of individuals to participate in (political) society in a self-determined and competent way. The discussion about competencies and concepts will be presented. It will also explain which principles civic/citizenship education regards as indispensable. As a result, aspects of interdisciplinary approaches of civic/citizenship education within the framework of éducations à will be discussed, and the possibilities of building up competencies will be addressed.

How to Cite
Ziegler, B. (2020) “Professionalism of political education and educations à”, Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 42(1), pp. 46–63. Available at: (Accessed: 26 December 2024).